Brown Bear Newsletter: October 2022

Hello Families,

I hope this finds you all well and happy! October will bring many exciting opportunities for learning through playful experiments.

We begin the month with exploring our 5 senses. Experimenting with baking soda, vinegar, and food color, is the messy start. Your child will also use their sense of smell with a variety of teas to pinch and sprinkle.  Exploring sound with the volume of sand they choose to add to their tube. Awareness of touch is brought to them with a variety of textures at their fingertips. Taste through our flavorful meals is a daily discussion. Hopefully this week is the start to continued exploration and conversations.

Community Helpers, Health and Safety, and Fire Safety is a big highlight. We will have an awesome dentist visit our classroom to help your child learn the importance of dental health. We are working on a visit from the police and fire departments too. Your child will practice Stop, Drop, and Roll, Stay Low, Get Out Stay Out and most importantly 911, with me. Discuss a meeting place as a family if ever a fire were to happen. Our school does have regular fire and tornado drills. 

Health and safety are our number one goal daily. We work hard to keep our classroom clean. Proper hand washing is the simplest way to fight germs. They are so proud of all the bubbles being made as they wash.Your children love our germ fighting book for hands and teeth. They ask for them to be read daily! I love the fact that this class is so excited about reading. Their attention span for books is amazing.

Halloween excitement has been in the air already. I keep explaining we have a whole month to wait, unfortunately. We will scoop and explore a pumpkin together, voting on the face’s features. Voting is a tough concept at this age. 

I’ll remind you closer to Halloween again, but your child is welcome to bring their costume in a bag to wear for a short time. We will parade through our school to show them off before taking them back off again to keep them safe for evening trick or treating. Sunset Academy requests no weapons or masks. There will be a sign up sheet in our classroom for our pm party snack time. Remember we are a nut free facility as there are serious allergies.

FYI This is a messy exploring classroom, we have smocks to cover chests and bellies only. We try our best to keep clothes clean.

Please check your child’s cubby basket for a change of seasonal clothes.

Thank you for all you do. Please don’t hesitate with any questions or concerns! Remember to READ, READ, READ.

Stay well, Diane