Diretor’s Newsletter: April 2023

Spring Weather:   Spring brings us a variety of weather. Please check your child’s classroom cubby to ensure that extra clothes are the appropriate size. Also have a jacket or coat available for those colder days that spring brings. Please keep snow/rain boots here to wear on wet or muddy playground days. They will get wet and muddy during this season.
Sunscreen:   With warmer weather coming it is time to start thinking about sun care. Sunscreen is important to protect young children because they are very susceptible to sunburn. Please provide a non-aerosol sunscreen and be sure to label with your child’s first and last name. We ask that parents apply sunscreen to your child before morning drop-off’s. Teachers will reapply sunscreen before going outdoors in the afternoon. When using sunscreen, apply generously to all exposed parts of the body. Don’t forget about hands, ears, feet, shoulders, and behind the neck.    Sunscreen is not recommended for children under 6 months old. Instead, we protect young infants from the sun by covering them with hats, long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and shade. 
SUMMER PLANS   Please let us know if your child’s days of attendance will change or you plan to disenroll for the summer. Also, please be sure to let us know if your family will be out vacation by filling out the “Student Absence Form” located on our website or by following this link. https://www.sunsetacademy.com/student-absence-form/
It is that time of year again! Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8th – 12th this year and we are already thinking of ways to let our staff know that they are loved and appreciated. They have remained rock solid in their dedication to your children during the recent difficult pandemic and have continued to prove how essential they really are. Let’s show them how much they mean to us!   As we begin to plan for this special week there are multiple ways that you can help! Provide monetary donations to the front desk Share your ideas via director@sunsetacademy.com  Volunteer to provide items when the time comes- gift cards, treats, lunch, etc. (More info to come on that in the future.)
SCHOOL AGE SUMMER CAMP   Do you have a school age child or know a family looking for summer care? Sunset Academy wants to offer an invitation to our summer camp program. Pricing: $64.00/day or $320.00/week Registration: $50 registration fee for new enrollee’s  Enrollment Packets: Available at the front desk to complete and return
BUTTERFLIES   Its that time of year again! Toward the end of the month of April, each of the preschool & pre-k groups will begin to hatch butterflies in their classrooms. The plan is for each class to watch the different stages of development, from larva to butterfly. When all of the butterflies are hatched and become strong enough, each classroom will meet outside and release the butterflies into the natural setting. It will be a colorful sight to watch as they flutter away to find a home.
APRIL IS NATIONAL HUMOR MONTH   The average five-year-old laughs 400 times a day, while the average adult laughs just 15 times a day. Try to laugh a little more this month!   Q: What did the egg say to the clown?  A: You crack me up!    Q: What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite kind of music?  A: Hip Hop, of course!