Panda Newsletter: August 2022

Adios July! Here comes August!

You know what they say about August.. It’s like the Sunday of summer time :(that’s okay though, their are still plenty of hot summer days ahead! The month of July was awesome! We did so many fun things and learned a bunch of new stuff, yay!!I can’t wait to see what August has in store for us 🙂

With that being said, all good things must come to an end and unfortunately we have to say goodbye to two of our Panda One friends, they are moving on to bigger and better things in the Panda Two classroom. Goodbye Anjali & Akkadian, we will miss you!! Since our friends are moving up that means we get to welcome a new friend into the Panda One classroom! WELCOME TO PANDA ONE, CAMILA!!!! 🙂 WE ARE SO HAPPY YOU ARE HERE!!!! 🙂

This month we will be doing: 

Fine Motor
Teddy Bear
Musical Instruments 
Colored Cubes
Ladder Stacking etc.

Gross Motor
Dance Party
Tunnel Play
Mat Jumping
Scarf Pull
Color Hop etc. Sensory 
Splash Day Water Play
Sensory Bottles
Boats In Water
Water Bottle Squeeze
Sensory Alphabet Letters
**SPLASH DAY IS EVERY WEDNESDAY (weather permitting)

Important Dates:

August 2nd- National Coloring Book Day*bring in your favorite coloring book 
August 3rd- National Watermelon Day*pack watermelon for a snack
August 4th- National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day*pack a chocolate chip cookie for a snack
August 9th- National Book Lovers Day*bring in your favorite book and we will read it during circle time
August 10th- National Lazy Day*be lazy and wear your pajamas to school
August 12th- CENTER CLOSING AT 4:00PM*early pick-up
August 24th- National Waffle Day*pack a waffle for a snack 
August 25th- National Banana Split Day*pack a banana for a snack 
August 31st- National Trail Mix Day*pack trail mix for a snack (no peanuts please) 

As always, it’s a joy to be in your children’s presence! They always put smiles on our faces and make us laugh when we need it the most. This job is so fulfilling and it makes us happy to hear positive feedback from you all. Please, if there is anything we can do to make life easier at home or at school to help the little ones progress as they should, do not hesitate to talk to us and let us know what’s going on. We are here to help as much as possible. Thank you for all that you do and trusting us with your little ones<3

“While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about.” – Angela Schwindt
With Love, Ms. Marissa & Ms. Jordan<3