Teddy Newsletter: July 2022

Dear Teddies Families,

It’s hot outside! We are now sitting squarely in the summer months, so this month our theme is water sensory as well as a sign-language refresh. We will explore different textures and splash in a water table. For sign language we will use the words more, all done, milk, water, Mommy, and Daddy. 

Please check your child’s cubby to make sure they have at least two sets of spare clothes in the right size and season. Please also provide a hat and/or sunscreen for outside walks and visits to the playground. 

Dates to Remember:

Friday, July 1st: Rene’s first birthday. Happy Birthday, Rene!!!!

Monday, July 4th: We will be closed in observance of Independence Day. 

Friday, July 8th: We will close at 4:00 p.m. for our monthly training.