Brown Bears Newsletter: July 2022

Happy July! We hope everyone enjoyed America’s Independence Day celebrations and some quality family time. 

We begin our month talking about vacations and modes of transportation.

The 2nd week we’ll have fun creating puppets and hopefully the children will feel comfortable enough to put on a show for and with their classmates.

Our 3rd week we’ll be learning about different sports. We’re looking forward to playing some outside. It will be a great opportunity to teach sportsmanship.  

The 4th week will focus on numbers, recognition and formation, and counting items.

As always recognizing, forming, and sounding out letters are a daily occurrence we will continue to work on. 

Our class is down to 6 weeks before transitioning to Black Bears. Always a bittersweet time. We are doing our best to make sure the children are ready to move up, socially, academically, and emotionally.

Tuesday Splash Days will continue through August. Thank you for making sure your child has everything they need.

We appreciate all you do! Please don’t hesitate with any questions or concerns through Procare.

Enjoy the moments, they grow fast! And continue to READ, READ, READ.

Your Brown Bear Teachers, Diane, Kylyn, Jasmine