Teddies Newsletter: June 2021

Dear Teddy Families,

Wow, May went by fast! Between the rain we had some sunnier days to get outside and explore nature. We had so much fun painting paper plate flowers and fingerprint bugs. We also made tissue paper butterflies. They look so pretty hanging from the ceiling in our classroom!

We will try to have a splash day every Thursday for the months of June and July. This will take place on the Teddy playground and will mostly consist of bins with shallow water and toys. If possible, please bring your child to school in their swim wear with a towel and a change of clothes. I will apply sunscreen before we go out. 

This month’s theme is “How Our Bodies Work.” We will be singing a lot of songs about our bodies, practicing yoga, and working on our fine and gross motor skills. 

With the weather moving towards summer, I suggest making sure your child has the necessary clothing at school. This includes weather appropriate spare clothes that fit your child (we are all growing so quickly!) and anything you would like them to wear for sun protection. We love to go out and will do so as frequently as we are able. 

Important Dates:

06/11/21: We will close at 4:00 p.m. for our monthly staff meeting and training. 

06/30/21: Happy 1st Birthday, Emma!