Black Bears Newsletter: June 2021

June – August 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

     I hope this newsletter finds you happy and excited about the summer of 2021. What an exciting time to spend with your family and friends on summer vacations! We are thankful you will be with us during most of the summer at Sunset Academy.

     Our Black Bears will have a fun and exciting time learning about science and social studies. We will have simple science experiments that teach basic concepts. Through our lessons we will continue to have literacy and math lessons. For example, when studying elephants, our first topic, we will read fiction and nonfiction books. Many reading and math skills will be integrated into our studies. During these activities we will measure the Asian and African elephants’ ears. We will paint them and display them in our room as a reference. We will locate where they live, study their habits, and learn about many endangered species of animals. Here is a list of some other subjects we will study this summer: ducks, alligators and crocodiles, and big cats. 

    We intend to have a few fun summer days here at our school. Pajama and movie days, Water Days, and other fun days which will  be announced through our Procare Daily Reports.

    We would like to welcome our new students. It is so much fun to get to know new friends. We hope you all have a wonderful summer!

    Here are a few reminders. Your child needs to have a clean, filled water bottle daily along with a healthy snack. Each child can have hand lotion, sunscreen, and lip balm at school which will be applied as needed. Hand lotion will be applied at least three times a day. Also, please make sure your child has a change of clothes at school and a blanket for nap time. The blanket will be sent home every Friday for cleaning.

Thank you so much,
