Black Bears Newsletter: April 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

     March was a fun-filled month! Dr. Suess books are always a fun way to review rhyming words. This time of the year his books provide a wealth of literacy skills. You may be familiar with some of his quotes. Here are a few of my favorite ones: “You’re off to great places. Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting so get on your way. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It’s not! Think and wonder. Wonder and think.”

     April promises us much more learning and fun days. Children at this age can be confusing for teachers and parents. Early Childhood Educators who have studied child development for many years tell us that 4 ½ to 5 year old children are interested in gathering new information. Their playtimes are less wild, and they can handle frustration better. They can be laughing one moment, and then crying the next one. It can be an unpredictable age. As the children turn five things become more calm.

     During April we will study plants along with mini lessons on some insects. Addition and Subtraction skills will be continued in Math. We will do some graphing and work on extending patterns. Our Literacy studies will encourage us to make more progress with letters and sounds, blending sounds, and reading simple texts. 

     I will begin Spring Assessments towards the end of April. We will have Parent/Teacher Conferences the first or second week of May. Look forward to two more PJ Wednesdays. We love to share our games and toys.

                                  Thanks for all your cooperation,

                                   Pam and Sarah