Cubs Newsletter: February 2021

We have completed our first month in the new year! Let’s welcome Neyva to the Cubs room, we are excited to have another friend join us! I feel so fortunate to have all of your wonderful children in our care, and feel so supported by all of you families! Thank you again and again for your patience as we transition to the new communication program, Procare. 

The children have been very busy exploring our classroom environment. Over the course of the month we have been exploring various sensory bags, bubbles, balls, pillows and scarves!  We explored with them in different ways: rolling them, throwing them, bouncing them and painting them. We named their colors, sorted them, and explored all the different textures of the balls. We have been learning about object permanence, and we have been hiding various animals related to our themes and revealing them! They were mesmerized with the bubbles flying around them in the air, and loved reaching to them and watching them pop them on the carpet.

This month we will focus on love, friendship, families, and the colors red and white. We will create special valentines for our loved ones, learn about heart shapes, read stories about family and friendships. We will explore sensory bags with red and white paint and find out what happens when we mix the colors! We will also continue working on fine and gross motor skills– Axel is pulling himself up to standing and Emma is learning to sit on her own!

If you haven’t already please bring in a few family photos so we can post them in our classroom. I invite you to send pictures of pets, siblings, grandparents, etc. so your child can see photos of you while you are away.