Black Bears Newsletter: October 2020

Happy October!! 

Wow! The season’s changing in conjunction with the kids. They’re doing so well with writing their names and learning more about the letters of the alphabet and numbers. You should be so proud!

During the month of October, we will continue with our weekly focus of letters, colors, numbers, and shapes. The themes we will be focusing on are fairy tales and the autumn season. If you can help us bring in fall items into the classroom so the Black Bears can explore, we’d appreciate it! What a great way to spend some time outdoors with your children to collect leaves, acorns, pinecones, and gourds!! If you decide to bring in fall items, please bring them in by October 1st!! During our fall learning, we will be asking you to please provide an apple to include in our math, science, and art activities! Date is TBD; be on the lookout for email. 

Some quick reminders:

Please don’t forget to label your child’s belongings. Your child is in and out of their cubbies and their belongings accidentally fall out. Having your child’s belongings labeled with their first and last name will help us make sure they are returned to the correct child. Also, please encourage your child to independently take care of their things when at home and out and about. This will help your child become independent at school. 

As your families are still providing your child a morning snack, we want to remind you to please send a healthy morning snack. It is very important that your child is provided a nutrient rich morning snack. Our morning agenda includes academic learning and outdoor physical activity. Healthy snacking will provide fuel, support brain development, and boost moods! I know our mornings are busy at home, but make it a fun experience for your children to learn about their foods! Providing such snacks will also help control your child’s hunger before lunch time!

Water!! Please supply your child with a water bottle every day. Staying hydrated is so important. Especially in our dry climate. Consuming water gives you a healthy heart, prevents headaches, sets better digestion, and helps your mood. We will provide a drinking cup for your child on occasions that a water bottle is forgotten. But an open water cup isn’t always sanitary! So please send your child to school with a water bottle. Don’t forget to label :). 

With the season changing (and Colorado’s bipolar weather), your child will be needing weather ready clothes in their cubby! 

Black Bears Team

Leanne + Sarah