Teddies Newsletter: September 2020

Dear Teddy Families,

We had so much fun with our colors and shapes unit! I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the art that came home with your children during the month. 

Our September theme is Things That Go!. Most of our songs, art, and class activities will be centered around transportation. I will be sending you emails with attachments for each week’s lesson plans. The lesson plans are a great way to see what we are doing in class, and what learning objectives we are working towards. A lot of the activities are very simple and can be done at home, as well! This is an amazing opportunity for your child to have similar learning experiences at home as they do at school, which creates a strong home-school connection for your child. 

If you have any books on transportation you’d be willing to loan to the class, we’d love to borrow them. They will be kept in our teacher closet and only be handled by adults during story time. 

Things to Remember:

  1. Call anytime! If you need to talk to me about your child or if you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to give me a call. 
  2. We love going outside! Whenever weather permits, we will be outside. Now is a good time to make sure your child has weather appropriate clothes at school, e.g. a light jacket or sweater. 
  3. If you’d also like to take this time to review the spare clothes your child has in their cubby, let me know and I will send home whatever is in there. Some items of clothing might be too small or not seasonally appropriate. 
  4. We will be closed on Monday, September 7th in observance of Labor Day.

As always, thank you so much for entrusting your child’s care to me. I love seeing their smiling faces every day and watching them as they meet and surpass each milestone. They are all getting so big! 

-Ms. Katie