Brown Bears Newsletter: September 2020

Happy September! Fall is around the corner already and hopefully a little cooler weather.

The children are following a routine nicely already and have actually begun making the letter of the week booklet. We started with A. They color, cut, and read the book back to me. Please ask them to read their weekly book to you too. Using the picture and the beginning word sound  is a great start to reading.

We would like to welcome Theodore, Liliana, and Clayton to Brown Bears, growing our class to 10.

Happy Birthday to Dakarai on the 11th and Gibson on the 28th!

Please remember to provide a family photo to keep in your child’s cubby all year. It will give each child a chance to speak about their family and share information with other friends. If you do not have a printer just email me a picture and I will print it for you.

Please return the Getting to Know Your Child form as well, it will help me know your goals for your child and other important information.

We will have an apple taste test on Wednesday, September 9, during our Apple theme. Please have your child provide one apple with variety labeled to share with the others. We will chart variety, likes, and dislikes. We will also see if apples float or sink.

The third week will be about our five senses, many fun hands on activities await!

We will finish off the month all about fall, which alone fills so many of our senses. Fall gives so many learning and I’m observing opportunities through nature and hands-on activities.

Reminder-closed on Labor Day, September 7.

Thank you for all you do and your support. Do not hesitate with any questions or concerns

Remember to hug em, love em, laugh lots and READ, READ, READ! They grow fast!

Your Brown Bear Teacher, Diane