Impacts of March 18 2020 State Executive Orders On Sunset Academy

Dear Sunset Academy Parents and Teachers,

This evening Governor Jared Polis has issued two executive orders that potentially have implication on whether Sunset Academy should keep open or close.  We have sought clarification with Ms. Sarah Scully of Boulder County Public Health, and her email reply is as follows:

“The closure order does not pertain to private child care/preschools. We are also thinking that the social distancing rule does not pertain to child care. It is slightly unclear. We will do our best to get an answer on this and send it out.”

As for now, we have decided that we will open tomorrow, Thursday, March 19, 2020 as usual.  Once we receive more clarification that Ms. Sarah Scully promised in her email, we will make a decision and communicate with you.


Stay strong and healthy,

Nina Emmer – Director, Sunset Academy

Eric Kuang, PhD – President and Owner, Sunset Academy