Polar Bears Newsletter: February 2020

Dear Parents,

It’s hard to believe that there are five days left in January and that February is around the corner!!! As many of you have already learned, Miss Sarah has taken a new lead teacher position in the Koala 1 classroom and I, (Miss Gloria) will be the lead teacher in the Polar Bear classroom. The children and I miss her, but wish Miss Sarah the best. Also, I would like to welcome Ellie and Eva to Polar Bears! I look forward to getting to know you and learning with you!

In January, we had such a great time learning about things that you can do and enjoy in the winter like skiing, ice skating and building snowmen!!  We also, learned about penguins, Antarctica and opposites! During the last week of January, the children end with our theme of Under the Sea. Some highlights will be paper plate jellyfish, reading books about sea life and sensory water play.

For the month of February, we will learn about:

Week one: Groundhog Day/ day and night/ light and shadow

Week two: Valentine’s Day/ friendship

Week Three: Jungle Animals

Week four: Nutrition


Further, Polar Bears will be having a Valentine’s party on Friday February 14th from 3: 00 to 4:00 pm. and you are welcome to join us. I will have a signup sheet for what treats to bring. In addition, your child will be exchanging Valentine cards on that day.

Lastly, We are getting ready to be scored for Colorado Shines and need a family photo to display in our classroom. To find out more information about Colorado Shines rating process, you can visit their website at coloradoshines.com

Important dates and reminders:

February 14th early closure at 4:00pm

Please label your child’s belongings and bring extra clothing. In addition, dress them in appropriate clothing as we go outside in all kinds of weather.


Miss Gloria