Brown Bears Newsletter: January 2019

Happy New Year! We hope everyone enjoyed their family time and making memories during the holidays. Thank you to all the parents for coming out on a weekday to watch your amazing children perform on stage. We sure had a lot of fun and what naturals, no stage fright!

The month of January will be filled with information about a new year, snow and ice, winter animals and hibernation, art studio experiences, and Martin Luther King Junior. We will get back into making alphabet books too.

Remember to provide hats, waterproof gloves, snow pants, and boots. We appreciate how well you are providing these items. Your children love playing in the snow, these  warmer items let them enjoy the experience. Also, double-check blue baskets to update clothes accordingly. We don’t have many borrow items to share. 

Your children’s independent is growing and we are so proud of their social and academic skills. They are maturing so quickly. Enjoy every moment! Please don’t hesitate with any questions or concerns. A few more Polars will graduate in the beginning of January. This will change the dynamics of our close knit little family temporarily until the new friends adjust. We are looking forward to our new friends.

Thank you for all you do. Remember to love them, Hug them, laugh a lot, and read read read!

Your Brown Bear Teachers,
Diane, Reuben, Ere