Black Bears Newsletter: January 2019

Happy New Year everyone. I hope all the families are doing well, hopefully we can start the new year all healthy and happy. The kids did so well at the holiday program I was sad I had to miss it but all the videos I watched were amazing. The kids really worked hard and it showed! This month we will have the themes snow and ice: winter fun, winter animals/hibernation, art studio, jungle animals, and under the sea. As the New Year’s begins and some might be clearing out the old to make room for the new. 
If you have any extra children’s clothes you’re getting rid of, the center always needs new donations. Also you might want to check if your child still has extra clothes in their cubby, as we had a lot of diarrhea accidents this month. The weather is still pretty cold, please make sure your child has more than just a sweater to wear outside. We have had a lot of kids lately with only small sweaters in 30 degree weather. Music care will be starting again on the 4th this month.