Brown Bear Newsletter: December 2023

Happy Holidays to all our wonderful Brown Bear families!We have officially begun to step into the Winter season and we’re excited for all the celebrations and fun experiments that we have planned. In the span of 3 months, we have seen so much growth and development with each student. They all are becoming more independent and are doing so well with learning social-emotional skills. We’d like to thank you for all the support you provide the students (and us) on a daily basis. You’re all amazing parents/guardians and we truly wouldn’t see such rapid growth without your help! You’re doing great. 
Winter + Water/#’s 11-15/ G + H
During the month of December, we’ll be going over the Winter season. We’ll discuss things like the different celebrations that occur around the world and how the colder temperatures can affect the world around us. We’re also taking the opportunity to explore the water cycle. Through experiments and topic discussions, the students will learn about precipitation, pollution, and different environments.  Let’s Keep Germs Away!
As the temperatures drop, we’ll be seeing more friends get sick. We kindly ask that you keep students home if they aren’t behaving like usual and show symptoms of fatigue, heavy cough, sore throat, and/or fever. We realize that this can be difficult to arrange, but it is vital when it comes to keeping classmates and staff healthy. 
 Remind students to cough/sneeze into their elbow  Remind students to use tissues If you’re having to medicate a student before dropping them off, they shouldn’t be at school. The medicine wears off by lunch time and they feel pretty miserable by that point.   Ms. Mari and I sanitize all toys, furniture, and chairs so we’re hoping that will prevent viruses from spreading 
— Dec 8th Early Closure @ 4PM
— Dec 11th Jolabokaflod Sign-up Due 
— Dec 22nd Brown Bear Holiday Party (info attached)
— Dec 22nd Jolabokaflod Exchange (info attached)
— Dec 25th Program Closed 
— Jan 1st Program Closed 
Keeping You In The Loop
Attached, you’ll see a copy of our lesson plans for this month. It gives you a general over-view of topics we’ll be going over, main activities, and books we’ll read in class. If you’d like to see a more detailed schedule, you can access daily plans on ProCare under “Lesson Plans”, here; you’ll see info on what the purpose of different activities are and details on how it helps student development. We try our best to keep you all updated throughout the day with videos, notes, and pictures. We appreciate your taking the time to look through them! If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding our curriculum, please reach out to us directly. Thank you 🙂