Polars Newsletter: December 2023

Hi Polar Parents,   Wow this year is almost over. December is here. This month we will be making lots of Christmas crafts and singing lots of Christmas songs.    The letter of the month is “D.” The children have loved finding words that start with the letter of the month. As we have asked in the past newsletter talking to your child about different words that start with the letter of the month will improve their vocabulary. You can practice to and from School, meal times, bath times and bedtime. “You are child child’s first and most important teacher.”
In the next couple of weeks we will have a sign up sheet by our door for you to sign in or out for the weeks of Christmas and New Years. Also we will be putting out a sign up sheet for our Christmas party if you would like to bring something and parents are more than welcome to come.
We will be having a pajama day with a movie and popcorn 🍿December 20th make sure to dress your children in warm pajamas that day (: 
December 8th: Early pickup for staff meeting ( please arrange for your child to be picked up BEFORE 4:00pm)December 25th: CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS!! 🎅🏻🌟🎄CLOSED JANUARY 1st Happy New Year