Polar Newsletter: April 2023

Hello Polar Parents,
 We are saying goodbye to two students Joaquin and William whom are moving to Brown Bears it was a joy having them in our classroom. We would like to welcome Matt and Luke to our room.    The letter of the month will be H. We will be finding words that start with the letter H. At home you could also find lots of words that start with the letter H. We will also be talking a lot about the change in the weather “hopefully from snow to rain.”  We will be dying Easter eggs and having an Easter egg hunt the Friday before Easter the children will love this. 
Reminders: All staff meeting April 14th please pick up your child before 4:00 Still very cold mornings and possible snow your children still need to bring a winter coat, gloves and a hat. Everyday your child must bring a water bottle and a morning snack and a clean blanket. 
Thank you
Gloria and Barbara 