Director’s Newsletter: February 2023

February is all about love and friendship! Older students spend February learning about famous African Americans for Black History Month and taking care of our teeth for National Children’s Dental Health Month! Younger students usually spend February learning about friendship, arctic animals, and of course continue to focus on colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. 
Please continue to dress your children accordingly as the cold temperatures are still upon us. Please still provide jackets and winter boots, mittens and hats, as it is still cold outside. We ask that you label your children’s belongings, (water bottles, boots, etc.) as we are finding it difficult to find out who’s is who’s in the classroom. 
We are also encouraging children to eat healthy snacks in the morning and have a good start to the morning with a healthy breakfast. Please try to avoid giving chocolate, treats or sugary snacks to your child before daycare. If you are finding there isn’t enough time to have breakfast at home, you are more than welcome to bring breakfast to school in the mornings. Please bring a water bottle everyday for school. If you wish to send a juice box to daycare, it’s great for lunch or afternoon snack. Please send your children’s morning snack with an ice pack (as needed), as everyone’s snacks can not fit in the fridge at once.

Please inform the center if your child will not be in attendance. It is really helpful to know each classroom’s attendance each day for scheduling. Also, please be sure to let administration know if someone other than who is listed on your “authorized pick-up” list will be picking up your child. (You will need to sign a release form). Please remind them to bring an I.D. as we will need to verify their identity before approving pick-up. 

PROCARE SIGN-IN/OUT: It is mandatory every child is checked in into the ProCare App during drop off. If you are having issues getting your child signed in, please inform the front desk to assist you with signing in.  

We have seen an increase in allergies within our center. Please help us keep our children safe by not bringing any foods that contain nuts. If your child brings birthday treats to school, please be sure it is store-bought, nut-free, and was not manufactured in a facility with nuts.