Koala One Newsletter: January 2023

Happy new year koala one families!

This month we will be focusing on topics that include the new year. We will be doing some new years art projects as well as talking about the year during circle time. As always we will be doing activities that help grow gross motor, fine motor, language skills, sensory, etc. If you want to know what we are doing you can always check out our daily lesson plan on procare. 

Important dates:

January 2nd: Closed for New Years

January 13th: We will close at 4:00pm for our monthly staff meeting

We are excited to start the new year off with you all and cannot wait to see what this year has in store. Thank you for allowing us to take care of your children and help them learn and grow. If you have any questions or concerns you can always contact us on procare at anytime or bring up your concerns at pick up or drop off.  

            Happy New Year!,

                         Ms. Maria and Ms. Emily