Brown Bears Newsletter: December 2022

May you all enjoy the magic of the season!
This can be a stressful month because of the anticipation, your child may act out of character. Know that life will smooth out again after all the excitement soon enough. Patience, consistency, and humor go a long way.
We start the month learning about a few holiday customs and celebrations, around the world. 
We will build fine motor skills all month creating during this holiday season. Most of this creating will be messy so be aware when dressing your child for class. They do wear paint smocks for some protection. Creations will include science and math, since we prefer to learn through play and exploration.
The letters of the month are H, J, K, L 
Thank you for providing all the waterproof winter gear so we can continue to go outside daily. The children have been so excited to play in snow. Our sledding hill is a big hit.
Watch the classroom white board for the holiday attendance schedule to fill out, we’ll need to know if your child is taking any time off, so we can staff accordingly.

Early closure at 4:00 Friday, December 9 for staff meeting/training.
Closing at 2:00 Friday, December 23
Closed Monday, December 26 in honor of Christmas

Thank you for all you do. Please don’t hesitate with any questions or concerns through Procare.

Stay well and have a wonderful holiday season! As always READ, READ, READ!
Diane and Chelsea