Polars Newsletter: November 2022

Hello Polar Parents, 
     For the month of November we will be working on the children’s names and the letter  “C” and as always we will be going over our shapes and counting to 10. It would be helpful to your child if you could count to 10 with them and introduce the ABC’s.      As winter is fast approaching the children are still required to have a small amount of time outside. Please make sure your child has a heavy winter coat, hat, gloves and snow boots. We will never go outside below 32 degrees. 
              This month we will be doing Art crafts with leaves and a lot of little turkey projects.  Reminders for the Month: Every child needs a water bottle everyday, a morning snack, a blanket for nap, and a winter coat. Please make sure your child has at least two changes of pants and underwear Also please take the time to go through your child’s cubby to look through clothing and take home clothes that are not appropriate for the Season. 

Thank you,
Gloria and Barbara