Koalas 2 Newsletter: September 2022

Jumping into September finds us at the beginning of a new school year.

Our parent engagement is the ALL ABOUT ME POSTERS. Please help your child fill them out and return them to school to share with friend in class. 

September finds us with four Birthdays : Braxton, Luke, Arlo and Aidan,we would like to wish them a Happy Birthday. We will see friends moving from our class and new friends joining our class.

As this will be a younger group of Koala we will be working on Social Emotional skills this month, and as always please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.


1.Monday September 5th we will be closed for Labor Day

2.Friday September 9th we will be closing at 4 pm for Teacher’s Monthly training

Thank you for letting us get to enjoy your child in our classroom.

Alice and Brandy