Panda 2 Newsletter: June 2022

Happy Summer! The month of May absolutely flew by. I am happy we are entering the summer months where it seems like Colorado comes alive (: Let’s have some fun! 
Curriculum June’s theme is Careers! We will talk about all kinds of jobs that exist from actors to firefighters to teachers to baristas. We will watch educational videos that highlight what different people do as a job and how their specialty works. We will continue to work on letter/number/color/shape recognition and recall. We are always working on social skills in class. A few phrases we are working on is “My turn please”, “Can I have that?”, “Thank you”, and “I didn’t like that”. We typically try these during free play inside and outside and utilize those social moments to promote language. Feel free to practice these at home so that these skills generalize!
Friendly Reminders:Sunset Academy will close at 4pm Friday June 10th, 2022 for our monthly staff meeting/training. As always, thank you for having arrangements made to have your child picked up before or at 4pm that Friday.
To my potty training parents: Thank you so much for making this a team effort and for always providing the clothes/edible reinforcements we need. It’s a tough job (you guys have the laundry, I can’t even imagine…) but it is all worth it when I see/hear about the progress they are making in this major milestone. (: 
Please ensure your child has sunscreen and/or a sunhat here at school. Please double check that your child has a spare change of clothes in their cubby bin.
Celebrations:We will be having a new teacher join us on the 8th. As well as new friends from Panda 1! Our class will most likely be filled with a few new faces this month. (: