Kinder Bear Newsletter: May 2022

Dear Kinder Bears Families, 

It’s so hard to believe, but we’ve come this far! Your little pre-schooler has grown so much and worked so very hard this school year!! We still remember that day…the first day of school August 16th! We are so proud of ALL their accomplishments! Here we would like to thank you for this incredible journey with you and your students. Each child has become a special part of our hearts. We have enjoyed watching each blooming moment!!! 

Starting from the first day of June, we will have a special summer program, called Summer Camp. We are planning to have field trips and Splash Days this summer. When we have no field trip, we will be still working on Language Arts/Literacy and Math to keep the kids busy in the summer and have them feel more comfortable for the next adventure in public schools. 

Important events in May: 

* In honor of Mother’s Day on May 8th, we will be celebrating on Friday May 6th and making presents and Cards. Happy Mother’s Day!! 

* Birthday: Kai-Wen May 15th. Happy Birthday to Kai-Wen!! 

* Teacher/Parent Conference will be held on Thursday May 19th, 9am-5pm. It is optional. A sign up sheet for the conference will be posted on our classroom door. The conference will last 20 minutes for each family. We welcome you to bring any concerns or questions to the conference. 

* Friday May 27th, Pre-Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony. We will be having the Graduation Ceremony on the school field and starting at 4:30pm. We look forward to seeing you and your families at the ceremony!! * Monday May 30th, Memorial Day. School Closed for the holiday!!