Brown Bears Newsletter: May 2022

Happy May to all! We have been enjoying this weather and love being outside, hoping it was safe to send all the winter gear home. Please remember to sunscreen your child in the morning and we will sunscreen again in the afternoon. Please double check your child’s cubby for weather and size appropriate complete set of extra clothes. We appreciate everyone sending in a warmer jacket and a light jacket, your child has needed both.

We begin the month concentrating on mothers, your child will be trying very hard to keep a surprise. Happy Mother’s Day to all! I hope you are all spoiled on your special day you definitely deserve it.

Spring has sprung and life is beginning again. We will use this opportunity to do a unit on insects. Insects have a huge impact in our environment. We have spent April talking about how even a preschooler can save the Earth, now we will reiterate the importance insects have on life on our planet. Why we shouldn’t kill insects because they have a job to do too. We need our pollinators especially! Save the bees! Looking forward to spying some insects and observing them on the playground.

We will do a full week on butterflies. Your child will see the life cycle first hand as we order caterpillars and watch the stages until we can set the butterflies free to have adventures out in the world. 

The 4th week will be a unit on fairytales. There are no limits when using our imaginations. What is the difference between real and pretend? 

We’ll end the month writing about memories. Your child will dictate and illustrate.  

Sunset Academy will be closed for Memorial Day Monday, May 30. Enjoy your long weekend and take the time to make new memories with your precious children.

Letter sound and recognition continues. Practicing our name, number recognition, and simple math are also daily occurrences. Many of your children can sound out 3 letter words since our Dr Seuss unit got them excited about rhyming. We just replace the first letter and they caught on so fast.

We can’t thank you enough for all you continue to do and for sharing your amazing children with us! 

Enjoy the moments they grow fast and as always READ, READ, READ!

Stay Well,

Diane and Kylyn