Brown Bears Newsletter: April 2022

The Brown Bears will begin the month learning about weather. Basic cloud formations and how precipitation forms. We’ll go over safety as well. The weather is changing and bringing about many opportunities to observe those changes in nature. 

Speaking of weather…The children will have sunscreen applied for afternoon recess when the weather requires. Please apply in mornings at home in preparation for morning recess. Licensing does not allow spray sunscreen, also double check ingredients to keep your child healthy and expiration date. There is a lot of research out there recommending which ingredients to stay away from. Layers are helpful this time of year, as are a morning heavy coat and a light afternoon jacket.  

Easter gives us the opportunity to have some silly fun but also learn about egg hatchers. Who hatches from eggs? So many choices to answer that question. The third week is a main focus on our planet Earth and how we can help keep it clean in preparation for Earth Day. Even children can make daily choices to save our planet. Don’t litter or pollute, save electricity, compost. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Prevent harm to humans and wildlife. It is wonderful to see how many of these young children are so aware already. 

The last week will branch out into Outer Space after so much learning about our planet Earth. Hopefully, your child will come home singing a song that teaches them about each of the planets. We will also learn about constellations, the phases of the Moon, and our important fireball the Sun. A busy but fun filled month of learning is ahead of us.

It is so exciting to see the growth in your children already. They are amazing! We appreciate all you do. Please don’t hesitate with any questions or concerns. Remember to love em, hug em, laugh lots and READ, READ, READ! They grow fast!

Miss Diane and Miss Kylyn