Director’s Newsletter: February 2022

February Director Newsletter

The new year is moving along, and it feels as if winter has finally come. It is hard to believe that we got to the end of the year with virtually no snow at all and now have experienced snow a few times bringing very cold and icy conditions.

NOTE: Please note, that Sunset Academy follows the guidelines as set forth by the Boulder County Health Department regarding mask mandates and dealing with COVID cases within the school. With the increase in cases COVID, Boulder County Health has us in a mask mandate for all people requiring masking up while in indoor public settings. Please be sure to do your part to keep yourselves and your families safe. 

With the cold weather creeping in, please ensure your child has appropriate clothing like sweater, jacket, gloves, etc. based on whatever the weather conditions are for each day.

As a reminder, we are having our staff meetings on the 2nd Friday of each month. This is for staff training and development like we accomplished prior to COVID. We will be closing at 4:00 p.m. on those days. Dates are posted at the check-in area. February 11th will be our staff meeting this month.


If you have not yet returned your Child and Adult Food Care Program form (CACFP), please do so as we are trying to wrap up on this requirement for the program quickly.

Thank you, parents, for your precautions keeping your child at home when sick or not feeling well. We know the extra stress this creates, but as you all know it is required to keep everybody safe and healthy. We truly appreciate you all.

Parenting Tip: Toddler Activities To Do At Home

There are a variety of activities that you can do with your toddler at home to not just have fun but provide a great learning experience such as the ones listed below and many more. For more information please visit: 

  • Clothespin Color Match
  • Paper Building Blocks
  • Water Walking Experiment
  • Number Pom Pom Challenge
  • Shave Scavenger Hunt
  • Adding Boxes 

Director, Sunset Academy