Brown Bears Newsletter: March 2021

Hello Brown Bear parents,

February flew by so fast and we had a lot of fun learning about our themes and the letter Aa and Dd. We also got a new addition to our brown bear family, her name is Miss Miranda, she is a new teacher at Sunset Academy and she will be helping us learn and play every day. We are very excited! 

March will be filled with more fun themes that will include making arts/crafts, learning to write our names, learning our numbers, and introducing shapes we may know or may not know. This months themes include:

March 1- 5: Dr. Seuss week
March 8- 12: Under the Big Top
March 15- 19: St Patrick’s Day Activities
March 22- 26: Dinosaurs

We will have Spirit Week for Dr Seuss week (March 1-5).    Monday 3/1 – Terrific Hat Day    Tuesday 3/2 – Wear Green    Wednesday 3/3 – Wacky Wednesday (hair and clothes)    Thursday 3/4 – Wear Crazy/Silly Socks    Friday 3/5 – Pajama Day

We are continuing to work on letter names and sounds. This month our two new letters we will be focusing on are Oo and Pp. We are getting very good at recognizing what an author and illustrator are. 

Thank you,
Brown Bear Teachers