Black Bear Newsletter: March 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

        I love the month of March. It’s Dr. Suess’s birthday! Here are some of the exciting events to plan for:

     March 5 – Bring two of your favorite Dr. Suess books

      March 12 – Pajama Day and bring a board game and toy

      March 19 – Crazy Sock Day

      March 26 – Crazy Hair Day

      March 31 – Dress up as your favorite Dr. Suess character

        On March 17 we will also have a St. Patrick’s Day Party which is a Wednesday. I will be in touch with you about what you can send for our party.

        We will begin our Spring Fundraiser on March 5. It is called “Spring in Bloom.” The catalog is full of wonderful items! It ends on March 19. Ms. Nina will be sending more information about it soon.

        Here are some great questions to ask your child at home:

              What was the funniest thing about your day at school?

              What book did your teacher read today? Tell me about the story or the information you learned.