Teddies Newsletter: November 2020

Hello, November! I hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween. My family and I had a lot of fun dressing up, decorating cookies, and looking at the decorations on the houses in our neighborhood and around town. 

This month’s theme is On the Farm/Fall Harvest. Most of our activities will be centered around this theme. We will sing songs about different animals and foods you can find on the farm. We will also read books and perform finger plays. 

With the weather being so unpredictable, we will be going outside sporadically, probably mostly on stroller walks. Please make sure your child comes with a jacket and socks for our outings. If it is easier to leave a set of these items here, that is fine! It is not a requirement though if you don’t have extras to spare. I have also recently introduced yoga to the classroom. There are not many poses suitable for infants, so we will be focusing on one pose a week and cycling through them. This is in lieu of outside times to try to get our bodies moving. Mostly though it ends up being Ms. Katie on the floor being used as a jungle gym! 

If you have other indoor gross motor skill activities you enjoy doing with your child, please let me know what they are! I am always looking for new activities and would love to incorporate your ideas into our classroom curriculum. 

Important dates/reminders:

-We have a new child in our class. Welcome to Teddies, Shay Jr.!

-We have one November birthday: Shay Jr. turns one on November 23rd. Happy Birthday!

-Thursday, November 26th: We are closed in observance of Thanksgiving. 

-Friday, November 27th: We close at 2:00 p.m. 

As always, thank you all for being great parents and partners.