Grizzly Newsletter: June 2019

Summer camp is in full swing!

We had a blast this past week visiting the Denver Zoo and Tin Silo park in Fort Collins. All of our kiddos came back to school chattering about how fun each trip was and we saw how tuckered out they were. I’d say it was a win-win.

Some Housekeeping items; first off, I’d like to apologize for the lack of communication. I’ve tried my best to share information with as many of you as possible. Thanks for bearing with me as this is an area which I’m looking to improve. Going forward I’ll communicate our most important notices via the parent information board found right outside our classroom door. Email will not be reliable as I am no longer stationed at my desk during the day, and instead chasing Grizzlies all over Colorado!

In other news, we will be ordering a drawstring backpack for each child to take on field trips. We would like to avoid bringing big backpacks to school because we simply don’t have the space for them. All that your child needs is a lunch, afternoon snacks, their water bottle, and themselves.

If your child is in need of extra clothes, they may keep them in the personal cubby we have provided.

We would prefer that personal toys stay at home. We will have specific days for show and tell, but other than that, we should not see them. It’s difficult for us to keep track of what belongs to each child and how they are playing with them. i will post on the parent board when those show and share days are.

We will also be posting our lesson plans on the parent board as well to show off what we’ve been working on!

Thanks for your patience as we work through this new routine! We would like to welcome Miss Shawna! As always, let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Love, the Grizzly Class
Katie, Shawna, and James