Black Bears Newsletter: April 2019

Hello everybody and happy spring!

I hope your holidays were great. Some themes this month we will have include: weather and clouds, earth day/planting and gardening and outer space. Some STEM projects will revolve around air, rain, and sunshine. The mornings are still chilly so please make sure the kids have coats for the morning recess time. Since most of the snow is about over we ask that you start taking home the kids snow gear to help free up some of the room for spring cleaning! We have had a lot of food in the cubbies so please make sure if you bring food for the kids to put it on the yellow trays by the door. Since the cubbies are becoming messy with toys, we are asking the kids are only bringing one toy a day and taking that toy home at the end of the day. We’ve had a lot of piles of toys in cubbies, then children are getting upset when they can’t find the one they’re looking for. So we’d appreciate the help in this new rule please! Also don’t forget this month’s early closure for training will be April 12th at 4pm. The week of Easter we would love any treat or little toy donations for inside the eggs! It’s not a center wide event we’ll just be having fun during the school day and they’ll be able to take the eggs home.

Thanks for all your help!

Miss Maddy and Miss Melissa