Polars Newsletter: April 2019

Greetings Polar Bear Families!

Wow what a grand Spring Celebration we have been having! Everyone is so happy for Spring (even though we know we will have more snow).
We have been learning the most wonderful song, which I will enclose the words to here because you can probably prompt it from your child. We all made shakers and enjoy shaking our joy in celebration while we sing. We learned about musical instruments and played a xylophone and drum.

Throughout April we will continue with the Spring, new life, and bugs themes. As well we will celebrate Earth Day (April 22 is a great time to update and educate about recycling as a way to care of our earth) I always have a picture of the Earth in my classrooms. As well, every month now we will work with “feelings” and how to express and use our words, as well as how to listen to each other. One of the main things the 2.5 to 3.5 year old is learning is how to take turns, and not just grab toys. We are practicing how to use our words to ask for a turn, and to tell a friend to “stop” whenever someone is in our personal space. We use “personal bubbles,” and are constantly helping the children practice these skills

Every month we will also make, bake and eat homemade whole wheat bread. Perhaps your child will help you make bread some day! I bring a mystery food to the children a couple of times a month and pass it around. Showing the children to varied foods while they see me eating is a wonderful way to expose them and perhaps encourage a taste later on.

Lola always has such creative hands on crafts and activities. She gives a wonderful morning circle and is careful to show them any new craft step by step so that they can be successful and have their own creative expression as well. Be sure to check the children’s file for current art ready to go home. It is basically behind the main door. We will be growing wheat grass for the Easter Baskets. At our house, the Easter Bunny would nibble some of the grass in the baskets!

Hope your family can get out and enjoy this wonderful Spring weather!! We would very much like to have a sun hat for each child. This IS the age to learn how to take care of ourselves. We are applying sunscreen every morning and afternoon, and would love them to also have their sunhats. As well, we still may need winter hats and jackets. Lovely changeable Colorado!

Please let us know of any changes occurring in the family so we can be supportive.
We are enjoying your children and the cute comments that shows us their world!!
Lets continue to be partners in this project!

Iris Kelly, Lola, and Gloria