Polars Newsletter: February 2019

February News in Polar Bears

It is officially the month of Love: the time of Valentine’s in which the tradition is to show those we care about our love. The children have already started a long-term project of making Valentines for their parents. I love helping children learn to sew! My grandmother was a master quilter, my mother embroidered heavenly. I like to make toys and projects with children. It’s a skill everyone should have.

We hope you all can come to our Valentines party on Thursday February 14 at 4:00pm. Please let us know if you would like to bring a low sugar treat. We will be baking cookies that morning. We are asking everyone to bring a small shoe box (or whatever size you can bring). We will decorate them in class. This way you can concentrate on making your Valentines or buying them if that what you prefer. It’s wonderful to make your simple valentines with you child. Please let Iris know if you need ideas or supplies. Of course we understand if you cannot but please no candy or toys for valentines, only cards. There are presently 16 children and 2 teachers attending in the Polar Bears room. There may be one more coming before the 14th. A list of the children’s names is at the bottom of this letter, but you don’t need to label each valentine. Of course you and your child are welcome to come for the party even if you don’t usually come on Thursdays.

We continue to work daily with our tribe on the Social Emotional skills needed to spend the days together. Learning to “use our words” instead of grabbing or pushing is at the top of the list. Part of the children learning to use their words we are teaching them to identify their feelings. It will be so helpful if the parents practiced this at home as well, asking the children “how does this make you feel” as well as explaining to them how their words and actions make you feel.

We have an amazing collection of minerals right now in our Science area. Including Onyx, Marble, Agate, White and Pink Quartz, Fluorite and Rhyolite. We also have new plants also, with parsley, dill and mint and small roses. Everyone takes turns with weekly chores so that we all help to take care of our space. Some of the favorites are feeding the fish, watering the plants, line leader, and helping set up for lunchs.

Thanks so much for helping to make sure your child has the weather appropriate clothes! The only time we do not go out is if the wind is too strong. Thanks also for sending a family photo, and letting the teachers know about any circumstances that may affect your child. It’s very helpful for us when we know about anything that might affect your child’s health and or behavior.

Children in Polars:
Adley, Amelia, Autumn, Breck, Clover, Dylan, Harrison, Kian, Keiza, Landon, Liza, Madison, Nova, Penny, Priyasha, Van, Iris and Lola.

Peter Popper Dopper Dan
Catch a moonbeam if you can;
Climb a cedar ten feet high
And pick the planets from the sky
You’re a wonder little man
Peter Popper Dopper Dan