Brown Bears May 2018 Newsletters

Brown Bears May Newsletter


Marvelous May already? Wow our school year is flying by! We are looking forward to the pleasant weather and getting out to plant sunflowers in the perimeter of the field.


Please remember to sunscreen every morning, we will reapply after nap. FYI spray sunscreens are no longer allowed by licensing. Also we need you to check your child’s cubby and restock for the weather, many baskets are still empty of a full change of clothes.


Your preschooler learned so much in April about cloud formations and weather. Saving our earth and how we can all pitch in to help. They can sing a song naming all the planets and made the coolest solar system. Their number constellations were hard work but they stuck with it and learned to persevere.


May begins with a favorite theme on dinosaurs including information on fossils, herbivores, carnivores, and egg hatchers. The second week is all about our love of mothers. Third week is fantasy fun with kings, queens, and dragons. The fourth week is about pets and bugs, what a pet needs and the importance of insects in our environment. The fifth week is about memories, the children will dictate their own memory and then illustrate their word. STEM this month is flower shop.


Our Brown Bear family has grown closer, we are enjoying the friendships blossom and the growing independence as well.


Please don’t hesitate with questions or concerns email us at


Remember to love em, hug em, laugh lots and READ, READ, READ!


Your Brown Bear Teachers