Koala 1 Newsletter: December 2023

Happy December! We hope everyone had a joyful thanksgiving!

Hello Koala One Parents!
Important dates: 
-Monthly Staff Meeting 12/08- Early closure, please pick up by 4-12/25 & 1/1 School is CLOSED, Happy Holidays!

Focus of the month;– Holiday crafts- Holiday songs- A review of activities & skills we did during the time Ms.Amber & Ms.CC joined Sunset Academy 😊

Friendly Reminders:-Please keep child home if they have any cold symptoms, we would really appreciate it – Check our new hanging fabric file folders by the gate door, for any crafts & paperwork to take home -Make sure to take blankets home EVERY Friday!:)-Please label child’s belonging with first & last name :)-Please check  your child’s cubby for replacement of extra clothes (weather appropriate) 

With the upcoming winter months fast approaching we will also be focused on ways to get our wiggles out, inside! The weather chart for temperature and weather conditions for us to be outside are posted by the outside door. Given that we have toddlers, we will be following some more strict guidelines for outside. Anything below 45 degrees we feel is too cold for the littles and will be staying inside for anything below that, count on us being inside 🙂 Thank you for understanding & cooperation.It has been a pleasure meeting you lovely parents & spending time with your little sweet ones! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Thank you parents,
Ms. Amber & Ms. CC