Brown Bears Newsletter: August 2020

Back to School is bitter sweet. It is with mixed emotions to watch 11 of my Brown Bears move to Black Bears on August 17. I have watched them grow and bloom into the most amazing caring friends and students.They are taking school serious now and have a great thirst for knowledge. What an exciting experience it is to watch. I will have to say, “See you in the hallway for hugs to; Ava, Bryson, Evelyn, Finnley, Floyd, Kennedy, Nova, Amelia, Landon, Liza, and Lena. I know they will all do well! I am sure going to miss them all but am appreciative of our time together. A great big thank you to all the parents for your support and generosity through this past school year and sharing your precious child with me. You have all been truly remarkable.
On Friday, August 14 all your child’s belongings with be moved to Ms. Leanne’s, Black Bears room. ( I will try not to pout and let them grow up)
I look forward to keeping my 3 newer friends Eva, Gibson, and Dakarai along with welcoming Hayes, Elizabeth, Aurelia, and Logan. Another exciting school year is underway and I can’t wait to get to know your child. The best way to communicate now is through email, Please don’t ever hesitate with any questions or concerns.
Beginning the week of August 17 there will be no more Splash Days.
We will begin our year with themes on “All About Me” and “My Family” while getting to know each other. Please supply a family photo that your child can keep in their cubby all year. 
It usually takes almost a month to bond and the children get used to the new routine and structure of a new classroom and teacher. I will send home a paper for parents to fill out to help me get a jump on each child’s likes and dislikes, so I can help them feel happy, safe and secure.
I am looking forward to having a lot of fun with the children while they are learning academically, socially, emotionally, and independently while creating a warm and loving environment together for our Brown Bear Family.
FYI: Each child needs to arrive every morning sun-screened with a fresh water bottle labeled with first and last name. Your child needs closed toe shoes, 1 box of wipes, a complete change of clothes to be kept in their cubby and a nap blanket. The blankets will go home every Friday for laundering. Please remember no nuts when providing your child a healthy morning snack. Snack is at 9:30. A backpack or reusable bag is easiest for your child’s independence.
Please no toys from home, but your child is free to bring a book they would like read to the class. Reading is one of our favorite activities, although we will do a lot of music and large motor activities too. Of course, math and science with lots of hands on exploration in our natural world and messy art. 
Our days with be full for sure.  It is going to be a great year ahead!
May everyone stay healthy and strong, 
Ms. Diane