Black Bears Newsletter: October 2019

Although the weather is changing the Pre-K class will be going outside every day. Please send your child with appropriate clothing for your child to go outside. Label each item of clothing your child will be wearing… It’s amazing how many blue, black or pink jackets, snow pants, hats, etc. show up in one class. Please remember that all of your child’s belongings need to fit inside his or her cubby.

Toys from home, Maria and I understand that it’s easier getting out of the house with a toy. The toys from home have caused many tears of frustration and sadness so we are asking for them to stay at home. If your child needs a lovey or a stuff animal at nap time. They may bring one but it needs to stay in a backpack in the cubby till nap-time. Thank you for understanding.

It’s hard to believe that we have been together for a month in pre K. The children are settling in nicely with the change of staff.  It has been wonderful working with you and your children. During the month of October we will be studying Community helpers. Your children will be working on letters and sounds. Word families we have already looked at are AT and starting to look at the IT family. 

What’s happening in the classroom?

October 7-11 is Fire safety. We will be visiting a fire department as well as having them come to the center. This is a great time for you and your child to talk about fire safety at home. 

 October our first field trip to the Boulder rural Fire Department. 6230 Look out road. We will leave Sunset at 9:30 please have your child here by 9:00 so we can load extra car seats. We will return to the center at 11:45. We are looking for 2 parent volunteers to come with us. So that it lowers our ratio to 1-4.  Permission slips will go out on September 30 pm and need to be returned on Friday October 4th. No child can be left at the center so if you do not want your child to attend then please bring them to school at 11: 45 to join us.  Friday October 11th we will have the fire department visit us here at sunset. We also will be practicing a fire drill. Leanne will be out of the classroom October 10 afternoon and all day Friday.

October 14-18 is Dental week.

We will be having a dentist visit us on Friday October 18th. We will be talking about how important it is to care for our teeth as well as our usual routine of letters, sounds, 

October 21- 25 Community helpers.  Who are the people in my neighborhood that help me?  What do I want to be when I grow up?

October 27-November 1 Make believe and Halloween Safety

We will have a fun week of reading different fairy tales and playing in dress up. 

Halloween we will have the Longmont Police here to talk about stranger danger and being safe. The center will also be hosting a trunk or treat. We will have a small party if you would like to bring an a food bought item to share.

Home Extensions:

Have your child help you sort the laundry. This is a great way to help with classification skills as well as colors.

Have your child help you write a grocery list. Bring your child to the store have them help you count out fruits and vegetables and weigh them. 

Bath time is a great way to build muscles in our hands for writing and scissor skills by ringing out wash cloths and squeezing sponges.

Thanks for allowing us to be a part of your child’s childhood.

Leanne and Maria