Polar Bears October 2017 Newsletter

Happy fall!

I can’t believe its October already!

Join us this month for our annual fall festival Friday October 27, 2017 from 6:00pm– 8:00pm. We will have plastic bins upfront for goodie donations.

Please help us in welcoming our new friend Jiovanni.

Please go through your child’s cubby to make sure they have weather appropriate clothing.

Make sure your child has at least 2 changes of clothes in his / her cubby at all times.

Themes & activities this month:

Five Senses


(Different textures)

Dental Health / Hand Washing


(Practicing brushing our teeth)

Fire Safety


(This week we will practice STOP DROP & ROLL)

Spiders & Bats


(Hand print spiders)

Letters this month:

D, E & F


Miss Toni